The history of the automobile corporation Twentieth Century Motor or the scam of the century (12 photos + 1 video)

Category: Nostalgia, PEGI 0+
27 February 2023

History of the Twentieth Century Motor Car Corporation, an American "automaker" founded by Geraldine Elizabeth "Liz" Carmichael in 1974 became one of the strangest stories in American history. automotive industry.

The oil crisis that swept the world in 1973 forced everyone think about more economical cars. But for some people it there was an opportunity to make money. Geraldine Elizabeth Carmichael was going to offer the Americans an unusually economical car Dale.

The lack of oil forced the auto industry to come up with non-standard solutions. Back in 1972, when scientists were talking about rapidly depleting oil reserves, Volkswagen began testing its first electric vehicle. Meanwhile, the Italian company Zagato presented its Zele electric car in 1974, and it didn't even remotely resemble elegance of other creations of the company.

Dale Car was designed by Dale Clifft. Essentially, it was homemade tricycle. He was set in motion 0.3 liter motorcycle engine. Thanks to its very low weight and streamlined shape Dale was able to achieve incredible fuel economy. The potential of this design was noticed by Carmichael, and was soon created new Twentieth Century Motor Car Corporation.

In 1974, interest in the Dale car was very high, in many ways because of the oil crisis. After all, this car was promised fuel consumption 3.4 l/100 km! As a result, reporters sought to interview Carmichael, trying to figure out when the serial production will begin. Necessary to say that there really were many people who, from the very beginning, did not trusted her because she was a completely new personality in automotive business.

Carmichael dispelled all doubts about the upcoming production difficulties. Claimed to have Twentieth Century Motor Car Corporation had connections with General Motors, a hundred employees, production and administrative facilities and millions of dollars investors. She said she expected to sell 88,000 Dale cars in the first year and another 250,000 in the second. In 1975 Dale showed up at the Los Angeles Auto Show.

Dale was 4.8 meters long and 1.3 meters high. Automobile had a mass of 455 kg. According to the manufacturer, Dale's center of gravity was in the middle of the wheelbase, so the likelihood that the car roll over, was very small. Meanwhile, Carmichael revealed that she car accelerated to 48 km/ h and crashed into a wall, after an unusual safety test, proving that Dale is as safe as regular cars. But it's just dust in the eyes. Carmichael said that Dale can reach speeds up to 137 km/h. Of course potential buyers were most attracted by the fuel consumption of 3.4 l/ 100 km. All this there were only theoretical calculations, because the world was seen by only three Dale prototype.

Twentieth Century Motor Car Corporation was planned will have a wider range. Next to Dale should have been a more luxurious Revelle and Vanagen station wagon will appear. In these models Dale mechanical components were used. But, of course, all this it was just a conversation. The actual creator of the car, Dale Clifft told reporters that he would receive $ 3 million if the project reached to serial production. But he only managed to get a thousand dollars.

Meanwhile, Carmichael not only promoted the car, but also Selling shares of her defunct company. As you probably already realized automobile corporation Twentieth Century Motor Car Corporation practically non-existent. This company had no production facilities mentioned by Carmichael and had only a few employees. Not there was also a connection with General Motors. And the sale of shares was illegal. When the California Corporation Commission launched an investigation into what was happening, the swindler ran away with all the investors' money.

There were 2 more models in the future

The whole Carmichael story was fake. She was presented with serious allegations of theft, fraud and violations of corporate governance. The most interesting thing is this. She introduced herself asto a woman

but it was actually a man

- Jerry Dean Michael. According to FBI records, Michael was married to four women and had 10 children. It was the real scammer.

By 1978, the Twentieth Century Motor Car Corporation had ceased its existence. Meanwhile, the swindler moved to a small town in Texas, ironically named Dale. He, or rather she, of course, introduced herself there under a new name - Katherine Elizabeth Johnson. Law enforcement agencies managed to catch him only in 1989.

The court sent Michael to the men's prison for only 18 months. After that, he disappeared from the radar and died in 2004. pity the people who invested in Twentieth Century Motor Car Corporation with faith in the idea companies. Poor Dale Clifft kept building his car after he escaped Carmichael until his death in 1981.

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