Now it’s official - humanity is rapidly dumber (4 photos)
I congratulate you on this. If you have begun to notice that young people and not only them are becoming more and more stupid every year, then in general you are right, scientists have also confirmed this.
Humanity is rapidly losing the ability to concentrate and use logic, and the level of intelligence across the planet has simply collapsed over the past 10 years. 25% of adults in developed countries cannot even solve simple math problems, in the US the percentage of such people reaches 35%. Half of those surveyed have only mastered one book in a year, and 45% of teenagers do not read at all.
Impressive, isn't it?
No one would argue that the fundamental biology of the human brain has not changed over this period of time. The basic intellectual abilities of humans have certainly not diminished.
But there is growing evidence that the extent to which humans can practically apply this ability is diminishing.
Humanity's sensitivity to perceiving long texts has significantly decreased, text is being abandoned in favor of video, the effective level of people's literacy is decreasing. As a bonus, we are losing our numeracy skills.
Doomscrolling, social media algorithms, and clogging the information field with unnecessary information instead of consciously consuming content are to blame. The good news is that if you stop mindlessly scrolling through your feed and sitting on TikTok, your brain will start working again. Not right away, but it will.
Let's stop watching memes and go read books.