A bold experiment: a zoologist became a crocodile and climbed into their lair (7 photos)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
Yesterday, 09:09

This story was told by American zoologist Brady Barr. He decided to "infiltrate" crocodiles and install sensors on the animals.

Brady Barr during suit testing

Experiment idea

Injuries are common when working with crocodiles

It all started with a child's unexpected question. During a lecture to schoolchildren, he told a story about how a crocodile once bit off his finger while he was catching them. Suddenly, one boy asked, “Dr. Brady, why do you catch crocodiles? Why don’t you just dress up as a crocodile and become one?” This question made the scientist think. What if he really tried?

For reference. Dr. Brady Barr is a biologist and television presenter specializing in reptiles. During his 15 years with National Geographic, he has visited more than 80 countries and made over 100 wildlife documentaries. Barr is the first person to study all 23 species of crocodiles in the wild.

Preparing for the experiment

At first, the idea of ​​sneaking into a herd of crocodiles and disappearing among them seemed crazy. But little by little, the idea grew in detail until it turned into a plan.

To implement the idea, National Geographic engineers created a unique "crocodile suit" - a metal cage covered with Kevlar with latex skin that imitates real skin. It was necessary to achieve strength at which crocodile bites would not harm the scientist.

Preparing for the experiment

Therefore, the design turned out to be heavy and immobile. It was only possible to drag 36 kilograms back and forth. But the "suit" looked as realistic as possible.

Meeting with predators

They decided to test the suit in Tanzania. It was a typical hot African day. The temperature rose above 40°C, and inside the suit it was all of 50°C. Barr climbed into the heavy structure and began his slow 60-meter journey to the group of predators.

Barr had to crawl 60 meters

Visibility was limited - he could only look straight ahead. Radio communication with the team calmed him down a little, but in case of danger, help might not arrive in time.

Barr crawled up to the first crocodile

The first crocodile noticed the approaching stranger and stared at him. The zoologist's heart was pounding, his breathing was ragged. A few agonizing seconds - and the reptile calmly closed its eyes. This meant that it did not feel threatened. Barr realized with relief: he really had merged with the environment.

A dangerous moment

Suddenly, an alarming voice came over the radio: "A large crocodile is approaching you from behind." The scientist froze. He did not see the predator and could not determine whether this was an attack or something else. After a few agonizing seconds, Barr felt a crocodile appear next to him and heard a loud "plop." The crocodile simply lay down next to him, mistaking him for a fellow crocodile.

Brady Barr

The scientist took advantage of the moment: he carefully attached the sensor to the back of the first crocodile (whose eyes were blinking) and began to slowly crawl back.


The experiment was a success, but it was not easy for Brady Barr. The crocodiles mistook him for one of their own, but he himself admitted that he was on the verge of panic several times. "I almost shit myself from fear," he joked later. — But it was worth it."

Brady Barr

And it's true! Many discoveries, and simply important decisions in life, are made at the very moment when you are scared to the point of trembling, but you still move forward. Without risk, without overcoming yourself, there is no science, no success.

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