The strangest bans in effect on the famous Liberty Island (13 photos)
In Cuba, it is forbidden to catch lobsters, kneel, or say the word "papaya." There are other exotic restrictions.
Cuba is the most colorful country in the Western Hemisphere. Some call it a fragment of socialism, others say that it has its own system - a mixture of anarchy and democracy.
But everyone agrees that there is no other such state anywhere. As well as the prohibitions that have been in effect on the Island of Freedom for decades.
You can't buy a new car
Tourists immediately notice the obvious junk and rarity puffing along the streets of Havana. This is simple: from 1959 to 2013, it was practically forbidden to buy new cars on the island. Officials and diplomats could fork out for an expensive purchase, but ordinary citizens could not. It's the same there now: a foreign car costs an exorbitant amount of money, an ordinary Cuban will not earn that much in his entire life.
It is forbidden to beg and kneel
This is also a crime. If the police see a beggar, they will immediately drag him to the police station. It is believed that a Cuban is a free and proud person and it is not proper for him to kneel.
You can't burn foreign flags
Even the US flag. Here the official position of the Cuban government is simple and logical - burning the flag insults the people of this country. If you want to express dissatisfaction with the States: draw a poster and chant slogans, but do not touch the flag - American citizens have nothing to do with the decisions of their government. This is how to respect other peoples.
You can't kill cows
In 1963, this crime was equated to murder - it carries a decent prison sentence. All because there is a shortage of cattle in Cuba and it is considered state property.
In 2021, the law was slightly relaxed and farmers were allowed to slaughter their personal cattle, but on the condition that they fulfilled the plan and observed state quotas.
Lobsters, lobsters and shrimps are prohibited
They are also listed as state property. This is not an absurd ban, but the most logical: Cuba is quite poor in these seafood products. You can catch and cook them only with the appropriate license. And they are mainly eaten by foreigners.
It is forbidden to leave the country
In order for a local to leave the Island of Freedom, you need to get a “White Visa”. You cannot leave freely. It is not easy to get it: the consideration and registration can take a long time. In addition, you will have to get permission to enter another country, Cuba has a visa-free regime only with Serbia, Nicaragua, Kyrgyzstan, Montenegro, Bolivia. And it is almost impossible for a Cuban to legally enter the United States.
Private boats and other watercraft are prohibited
Yachts, catamarans, even small boats are taboo. Unless there is a special permit. For example, for fishermen.
You cannot give foreigners a lift
Taxi drivers are allowed, of course. But the police constantly catch ordinary taxi drivers and issue them hefty fines. Cubans are also prohibited from accepting gifts from overseas guests.
You can't sunbathe naked
Nudism is strictly prohibited - you won't be able to flash your charms in front of everyone. That's on paper. But in reality, there are specially designated areas for lovers of this type of tan. And no one will bother you there or fine you.
You can't say "Papaya"
In local slang, these are female genitals. The authorities decided not to make people laugh, so there is no such ban written anywhere in the documents. But no one says the name of the fruit out loud, otherwise they will be considered vulgar or stupid. Instead, they say: "la fruta bomba" - a fruit in the shape of a bomb.
There are other prohibitions - for example, you can't have foreigners in your home overnight and you can't smoke in public places. But all these restrictions are technically bypassed easily and simply - with the help of local laziness. As a rule, the authorities and the police react quickly only to serious violations, and turn a blind eye to everything else. So much is prohibited, but in fact - much is allowed. Only quietly.