17 Curious Objects from the Past That Look Completely Different from What We’re Used to (18 photos)

Category: Nostalgia, PEGI 0+
Today, 13:13

We invite you to go on a short journey and see what familiar objects and devices looked like at the beginning of their journey. I guarantee that some examples will leave a lasting impression on you.

A collapsible suitcase-wardrobe that was an important attribute of a traveler in the 19th century

"Found my first laptop, and it's still works"

A harsh Soviet player

An old meat grinder from Starrett, patented in 1865

An old but very cool children's construction set. You can assemble 800 different models! This is not Lego!

A vintage hair dryer from the 50s

An old camera that is 85 years old and the pictures it takes

A compact vintage cosmetic bag

Portable charcoal foot warmer. They were usually used when traveling by car

Baby carriage

The first baby carriages appeared in Great Britain in the 18th century. They were a smaller version of an adult carriage and were not particularly comfortable. A child could only ride in it while sitting.

Touchscreen, invented in 1972

The touchscreen was invented in the USA as part of a study on programmed learning. It had low accuracy, so it did not enter the consumer market for a long time. At first, it was used only in industry and medicine.

Rare jewelry machine

Today, such devices look much more modest and simpler. Jewelers prefer to use more compact machines for their work, which will not take up half the room.

General Electric Model D-12 toaster, 1910s

An alarm that protected against robbers and animals

One of the first security devices was invented in 1880. The device was a tripwire, a thin wire that was pulled across the passage, attached to a capsule. When the wire moved, the capsule exploded, making a loud sound, similar to a gunshot.

Wood Stove

A humidifier from the 80s that is placed on the stove

The dragon looks amazing when steam comes out of its nose.

A miracle of technology. A mouse with a built-in phone

These computer mice disappeared from store shelves more than 15 years ago. They did not last long because of their inconvenience. They were replaced by more functional mice without strange gadgets.

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