GTA 5 is a unique game. It was released in 2013, and it continues to break sales records. It's scary to imagine what will happen when the sixth part comes out... But that's not the point now! So, the nextgen version of GTA 5 has been released on PC. All license holders received it for free. Enhanced is an optional update. It is downloaded as a separate game and weighs 92 GB. Well... it seems like it's time to replay the game for the 101st time.
What awaits us:
— Improved graphics with RTX and other bells and whistles;
— Accelerated downloads;
— Reworked sound;
— Animals in online mode;
— Lots of exclusive vehicles and improvements for them;
— GTA+ Subscription;
— DualSense Support;
— Updated Anti-Cheat and Voice Chat Moderation.