A Former CIA Agent Claims There Was Life on Mars... and He Has "Evidence" (7 photos)

Yesterday, 18:02

In the 1980s, the CIA experimented with Joe McMonigle and others who claimed to have psychic powers and perceive information from distant objects. McMonigle, “Remote Viewer No. 1,” appeared on the American Alchemy podcast Friday to reveal his secret work and hidden knowledge.

The psychic described being given coordinates and asked to describe what he saw: “I noticed a giant pyramid, larger than the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt, with huge rooms inside. Images of people trapped in a place where the atmosphere was becoming increasingly terrible emerged. These people were dying for some reason, but they were people. They were twice our size."

The instructor showed him a white card with a target on it: "Mars, 1,000,000 B.C."

McMonigle later went to NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory to get negative images of the objects he had been asked to view remotely, and found bones and buildings dotting the Martian landscape.

He theorized that a large object had passed through the solar system and stripped Mars of its atmosphere, leading to the extinction of life on the Red Planet.

McMonigle and five other remote viewers rescued 52 Americans captured in November 1979 during the Iran crisis.

He was a member of the CIA's Project Stargate, which was designed to train spies who could read minds and penetrate the minds of their enemies.

Joe McMonigle, CIA's "Remote Viewer #1"

In 2017, the agency declassified a document titled "Mars Exploration May 22, 1984," which revealed McMonigle was a test subject. The report mentions that McMonigle received an envelope, which he opened only after the interview was over. The envelope contained a 3x5 cm card with the following information: "Planet Mars. Time of Interest: Approximately 1 million years B.C." McMonigle was asked to focus his attention on "40.89 degrees north latitude, 9.55 degrees west longitude." That's when he saw the outline of a pyramid, shadows of very tall, thin people in strange clothing, and he noticed that there was a violent storm raging on the planet and that the Martians were using giant pyramids for shelter.

Psychic saw giant pyramids and found images of similar structures on Mars

"Different rooms... but they're almost devoid of any furniture or anything else. It's a functional place, a place to sleep — or that's not a good word — to hibernate," McMonigle explained.

The people stayed inside the pyramid until help arrived.

"All this time I thought I was describing events on Earth," the psychic said.

When McMonigle learned that the target was Mars, he was overcome with rage: "I hate missions where I can't prove the veracity, because I don't know if what I saw was real or if I imagined it."

McMonigle went straight to NASA and demanded the negatives of the coordinates he had been given during the experiments. He began to look at the Martian landscape and saw a pyramid on the edge of a giant impact crater.

McMonigle explained why the structure was built after the impact: "If the pyramid had been there before, it would have been blown away."

The agent also claims that when NASA first spotted the structure on Mars, it was glowing red.

When NASA first spotted the structure on Mars, it was glowing red

A 1984 CIA document outlines McMonigle's observations of the "ancient people": "This is their time. They are philosophical about it. They are looking for... a way to survive, but they can't."

McMonigle spoke to one of the men, who told him that the group had gone on a trip on what looked like the inside of a large ship.

Joe showed a picture of what he said was a device with buttons

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