15 strange photos that can scare you (16 photos)

Category: Terrible, PEGI 0+
Yesterday, 18:03
Caution! The post contains shocking material. Make sure you really want to see it and you are over 18 years old.

The world is full of strange and amazing things, and many of us have encountered something difficult to explain in our lives. In this post, you will see mysterious and creepy objects and situations that users have shared.

1. I walked into the room and got scared

2. My nephew drew this on my phone creepy

3. This puddle in the forest glows with a strange light

4. I saw strange things near the church sculptures

5. I saw a very strange candlestick at my friends'

6. This is what a haunted house looks like

7. A collection of ceramic faces, something else spectacle

8. My neighbors have a snowman

9. I don't know who this is, but he's collecting chestnuts

10. We hope that only a bicycle stuck in the wall

11. A statue that looks like a Dementor

12. Circles of unknown origin

13. We went for a walk and met this strange person

14. Our neighbors have scary toys

15. A few chairs we accidentally found in the woods. No sign of a fire or anything nearby. Just a few chairs from a cafeteria

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