17 Rare Coincidences That The Universe Gives Only Once (18 Photos)
Sometimes strange events happen in life, they are also called matrix failure. And at these moments it seems to us that reality is from us escapes. In this post you will see random matches with which people suddenly collided.
1. A client came to us today with a tattoo that looks like our turtle.
2. The bubbles at the bottom of my cup formed a skull that looked like pictures on glass.
3. Color harmony
4. On today's walk, we met two dogs that are identical to ours.
5. Even the cat was struck by the resemblance
6. Double Hugh Jackman in a photograph of 1906, Germany (far left)
7. Once in the park I met a knight
8. Rainbow vine on the wall
9. Hearty greetings
10. Chicken plumage looks like a book cover.
11. The sun in the game is in the same place as the real one
12. Went into a bookstore and saw myself on the cover
13. At a certain time, the fence turns into a roller coaster.
14. Catdog
15. November 11, at 11:11 am, I had a pulse of 111
16. The shadow turned out to be quite funny
17. A tire track looks like a hummingbird.