15 cases when people interacted with technology, but it turned into a failure (16 photos)
Technology is designed to make people's lives easier and open up new possibilities, but sometimes things go wrong.
1. "My computer won't turn on"
2. "One of our printers is just doing its job responsibilities"
3. "The new servers have red cables. You won't be able to miss them"
4. "The computer was epoxy-mounted to the desk. To bring it to the masters, the owners had to cut it out"
5. "So that's why there were interruptions with the Internet (I have a rabbit)"
Sometimes animals behave like real criminals. And the owners have no choice but to report their misdeeds to the entire honest Internet. Take a look for yourself!
6. Awesome Foot Hammock
7. "Customer brought in this iMac because it wouldn't turn on... Apparently that's how he uses it"
8. Keyboard after 10 years use
9. "I said 'put it in the rice', not 'put the rice in it'
10. "When grandma uses her PS2 as a stand for iron"
Using an iron often leads to some pretty dangerous situations, it's not for nothing that we clutch our hearts when we remember whether we turned it off or not. And we have a whole collection of cases where using an iron led to failure.
11. "Apparently someone got tired of the calls, so they put it in the oven"
12. "It should be a black screen"
13. "I think I typed too much diligently"
14. "Drilled right into the battery"
15. "Brother wanted a wireless mouse, the kid decided to help"