Duck with Ducklings on School Grounds
A duck has built a nest in the school yard and sits on eggs there every year. As soon as the chicks hatch, the feathered mother takes them to a pond, which is also located on the school grounds.
A duck has settled on the grounds of one school and has become a local celebrity. Every year, she makes a nest in the school yard, sits on eggs, and then, when the chicks hatch, proudly leads them to a pond located nearby. This moment has turned into a touching tradition - students and teachers freeze in the corridor, creating silence and clearing the way for the duck family.
The duck, walking importantly along the school corridors surrounded by ducklings, looked like a real queen, and the children and teachers, holding their breath, watched this procession. This is not just a cute scene, but an excellent example of how nature and man can coexist in harmony, creating moments that are remembered for a lifetime.