Movies in which famous actors acted as directors (10 photos)

Category: Movie, PEGI 0+
27 February 2025

Many actors find their profession cramped during their careers. Their creative side demands more and they move into the director's chair. And some actors manage to cope with two tasks at once: playing the lead role and directing the entire film. As an example, our good old Jackie Chan immediately comes to mind, who created an entire subgenre. In this selection, we suggest recalling examples of films from the last 10-15 years in which famous actors played a dual role: the lead actor and the director.

Jesse Eisenberg

Movie: True Pain (2024)

Telling himself how to get along with his mischievous stepbrother during a trip to Poland together where they studied the Holocaust.

Natalie Portman

Film: A Tale of Love and Darkness (2015)

She showed herself how, while suffering from depression and going through hard times, to become a key figure in shaping the worldview of Israeli writer and journalist Amos Oz, whose mother Portman played.

Keanu Reeves

Movie: Tai Chi Master (2013)

He showed himself how to turn a talented young fighter into a ruthless warrior, luring him into a world of violence, and then becoming his most dangerous opponent.

Anna Kendrick

Movie: Date with a Monster (2023)

She told herself how to participate in a 1970s reality dating show, knowing that one of the participants was a dangerous maniac.

Chris Evans

Movie: Before We Go (2014)

I told myself how to meet a stranger who missed her train and spend the night with her on the streets of New York, discussing life, fate and love, and gradually becoming attached to her.

Brie Larson

Movie: Unicorn Store (2017)

I told myself how to play an eccentric artist who receives a mysterious invitation to a store where she will fulfill her childhood dream - to get a real unicorn. Only first the heroine needs to prove that she is worthy of it. In this film, the intrigue is really hung up until the very end, whether it is a real unicorn.

John Krasinski

Movie: A Quiet Place (2018)

He told himself how to hiss at his family members so that they wouldn't be eaten by creepy monsters that react to sound.

Halle Berry

Movie: Blows (2020)

Told herself how to suddenly return to the boxing ring to make money for herself and her six-year-old child, whose father has died.

Michael B. Jordan

Movie: Creed 3 (2023)

Joined Halle Berry and also told herself how to return to the ring. Only to fight his old friend, who became his main opponent - he took this turn from Keanu Reeves. And in general, Jordan, unlike everyone else, was helped to cope with his production task by collaborating with the directors of the two previous parts, but he is still great!

Angelina Jolie

Movie: Cote d'Azur (2015)

In fact, her character is a former dancer going through a personal crisis in her marriage, which becomes even more complicated during her and her husband's trip to France in the 1970s. Yes, she and Pitt were together in 2015, and he played the role of her husband.

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