A woman noticed several eggs in her flower pot (10 photos)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
28 January 2023

Here sometimes the sweetest stories happen that inspire even more more to protect nature and its inhabitants. Netizen under the nickname veiledrose recently spotted some eggs in a flower pot, which stood in her garden .. It turned out that the eggs were laid by a wild mother duck.

Not so long ago, a netizen under the nickname veiledrose shared this story on the Reddit forum. Woman spotted in flower shop in a pot that stood in her garden, one egg. She didn't touch him and came to check the next morning - there were already two eggs in the pot. She never saw the future mother of this feathered family.

But the mother duck appeared on the third day. She quietly hatched eggs, and the woman did not disturb her in any way during this miraculous process. Per a few days already 11 eggs appeared in the pot, and the mother periodically came to nurse them. All this time, the woman and family members with curiously watched the eggs.

And then, one day, the owner of the house saw that the chicks began hatch! All 11 hatched and the ducklings were fine. Although on the moment some of them hatched, the mother was not around, the woman sensitively watched the kids.

When they grew up a little, the mother decided to "move", and took the children away from pot in another place. Surely, the duck is very grateful to people for what she was adopted, and all her babies hatched safely in a safe place. Not just because the mother chose this particular pot. This is so wonderful history!

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