A woman in Poland called an ambulance for a monument (3 photos + 1 video)

27 February 2025

The woman explained that she decided to act because she did not notice the movement of the chest. The rescuers did not condemn her actions, but on the contrary, praised her for her attentiveness.

In Warsaw, Poland, a passerby noticed a man lying motionless on a bench and showing no signs of life. The woman was concerned about his health and called an ambulance. When the medics arrived at the scene, it turned out that the "victim" was a monument.

So, a woman was walking down the street and saw a man covered with a blanket on a bench. She watched him for a while and found that he was not moving. Fearing for the man's life, she called the medics. The police and an ambulance quickly arrived, but it turned out that the "victim" was the "Homeless Jesus" monument.

The woman explained that she decided to act because she did not notice the movement of the chest. The rescuers did not condemn her actions, but on the contrary, praised her for her attentiveness.

"Better this way than indifference. It's good that she responded, even if she didn't start resuscitation," one of the rescuers noted.

Although the call turned out to be false, the rescuers reminded of the importance of assistance and the need to know how to save a life.

The monument to "Homeless Jesus" is located near the monastery of the Church of the Capuchin Order. The sculpture was unveiled in 2021. On a bench cast in bronze lies a figure wrapped in a cloak, it is also bronze. Only feet are visible from under the cloak - with traces of wounds.

The monument was erected near the monastery, since it distributes food for the homeless. The sculpture is intended to inspire reflection and remembrance of the words from the Gospel of Matthew: "As you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, so did you do it to me."

The original sculpture was made by Canadian Timothy Schmaltz, but there are more than a hundred copies of it in the world, including in the Vatican, Washington and Singapore.

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