102-year-old British woman jumped with a parachute on her birthday (2 photos + 1 video)

Today, 03:46

Manette Bailey became Britain's oldest female skydiver and was congratulated by Prince William.

Manette jumped from a plane flying over Beccles. More than 50 people watched the jump.

She wanted to not only celebrate her birthday, but also raise money for three organizations: the East Anglian Air Ambulance, which saved her son's life in 1969, the Motor Neurone Disease Association, which helps people with motor neurone disease, and a local ex-servicemen's club.

Manette has so far raised more than £10,000 of her £30,000 goal. She also received birthday wishes from Princess Catherine and Prince William, who once volunteered for the East Anglian Air Ambulance.

Manette decided to jump with a parachute after she learned that her friend's 85-year-old father had made such a jump. "If an 85-year-old man can do it, then so can I," the pensioner thought.

Speaking about the jump, Manette noted that when the plane door opened, she realized that there was no turning back and she just had to jump. "You always have to look for something new. I was once married to a paratrooper, but I myself have never jumped with a parachute," she shared.

Manette had plenty of adrenaline in her life before: during World War II, she served in the Women's Auxiliary Naval Service in Egypt, and before her 100th birthday, she took part in a Ferrari race at Silverstone, where she reached a speed of 209 km/h.

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