22 cat photos demonstrating that furry ones are our continuation (23 photos)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
27 February 2025

Well, or we them. It depends on how you look at the situation. After all, if the stars are in the right position, then it turns out to capture for history such a unity of a cat and a person. And not only.

It turns out funny, but there is a certain sacred meaning in this too. After all, such photographs clearly prove the kinship of souls - ours and cats', and the magic of furry souls in principle, capable of being in the right place at the right time.

1. Meow or moo - that is the question

2. The auditor is pestering us

3. For quality I answer

4. Ah, these French moustaches

5. Let's add grace, remove the booger

6. Fashionable cat haircut

7. Everything will be OK

8. 4 for technique, 6 for artistry and 10 for furry paws!

9. Baby, you're okay, you just have to grow a tail

10. A kitty is something beginningless and endless

11. Come on be friends

12. Sweet pie

13. The perfect place to hide

14. Jaws: return

15. On sports

16. Kitty did it, can you?

17. You and I are one whole

18. This is what self-confidence looks like

19. Lead and win

20. On the other hand, they are much more attractive

21. Migratory cat

22. Mistakes being

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