Unknown Assailants Shoot at Tesla Dealership and Call for Elon Musk's Killing (5 photos)

21 February 2025

It looks like someone actively dislikes Donald Trump's ally.

On February 19, attackers fired at Elon Musk's showroom in Salem, Oregon, according to the local publication Salem Reporter.

The unknown individuals first opened fire, then broke into the car dealership, smashed the windows, damaged several cars, and then left a sticker on the glass of one of the cars that read "Kill Elon."

Since the incident occurred early in the morning, there were no visitors in the showroom, and there were no casualties. The police also did not report any casualties - perhaps the building was empty.

This attack is not Musk's first act of intimidation. On January 20, a car exploded and caught fire at a dealership in Salem

According to preliminary information from law enforcement, these attacks are most likely politically motivated and are related to Musk's support for the current President D. Trump, as well as to statements he made on social media. The police and the FBI are investigating the incident.

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