16 Photos That Have Been Turned Into Real Puzzles for the Eyes by Angle and Perspective (17 photos)
Nowadays, any more or less interesting and incomprehensible photograph is called Photoshop and its author is accused of all the deadly retouching sins. But in some cases, photo editors are out of work, because if perspective, angle or just chance come into play, then thanks to one, and sometimes even three of these guys, an ordinary photograph easily turns into a riddle not only for the eyes, but also for the brain
1. The film "Inception" - a cat version
2. No, this is not a photo from Australia - no need to turn it over
3. Hand on growth
4. Levitating dog?
5. Or levitating girl?
6. Racing in 3D
7. "For a second I was scared that someone had stolen my dog's paw"
8. A horror movie in one photos
9. Four beers with one hand - and a fifth in your teeth!
10. When you and the hostess are one whole
11. Impressive teeth!
12. Girl-girl, why do you need such big hands?
13. Like a mermaid, only in reverse
14. When the photographer is also a bit of a wizard
15. This is not a transparent miracle architectural thought — these are just windows
16. "Honey, I Shrunk the Host" — Coming Soon s