20+ adorable kitties pondering different things and delighting their owners and others (21 photos)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
13 February 2025

Can animals think? Yes. Cats, in particular, use developed sensorimotor intelligence.

Under the influence of external stimuli-associations, they recall past experiences, draw conclusions and change their subsequent behavior. Of course, this is not our human thinking: cats are not prone to analyze the past or plan for the future. Fluffy creatures live in the present. But you can guess what they are thinking about at the moment if you look at their emotional faces.

1. My thoughts are only about you

2. Thinking about the beautiful

3. Sometimes you have to let the leather ones do little liberties

4. Why haven't we been praised yet today?

5. You know, spring is coming...

6. I really need it, I really need it!

7. I am the crown of creation

8. I need to get some sleep

9. What else should I think about?

10. And there's a whole world out there

11. I love holidays

12. What kind of crap is this boiled stuff of yours corn

13. Adorable babies, aren't they?

14. Time to Dream

15. Tube Mood

16. Will You Call Me Fluffy Sunshine Today?

17. Come in if anything

18. A little morning irritation

19. I'll sing right now!

20. Mood - to lie around and not think about anything

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