16 amazing cases when people got their hands on things from the past that still work perfectly (17 photos)

Category: Nostalgia, PEGI 0+
8 February 2025

There are things that break literally in a couple of days, if not on the day of purchase, but there are also those that were made to last for centuries. Some are lucky, and they become owners of sewing machines and fans from the 50s, or even older, and clothes from the last century that will not wear out.

A fan, I think it's from the 1950s, that I fixed up for my girlfriend

These knobs belonged to my grandfather in 1960s

He worked as a test failure analysis engineer at General Dynamics. These pens were used to try to win the space race, and now I use them every day as I work to follow in his footsteps.

My girlfriend uses this sewing machine to sew masks

Her great-grandmother bought this machine back in 1925. It still works great.

This pen stand rotates so you can see the map and time zones. It was made in the 60's

Lenox Spice House Village

My grandma bought me these 30 years ago and I still have them in my parents barn.

Found My Great Grandmother's Max Factor Perfume Pendant

Egg Sorting Scale

Amazing Unopened Stationery Set From The 1970s years

My aunt's old organ that she kept in her basement for 20 years

My 35 year old Henry vacuum cleaner!

My dad's 1980's Levis jacket! I've had it for about a year now

My mom's slow cooker that she got in January 1980

This slow cooker is 41 years old and still works without any problems.

While washing my car, I found a 1927 gold sovereign that could be worth over $500

Always check the coin container.

My Great Grandmother's 50's Bag

Awesome Toaster I Found in Grandma's Closet

I Found This Tiny Book While Cleaning Out My House grandfathers

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