Interesting and rare retro photos of Europe (21 photos)

Category: Nostalgia, PEGI 0+
8 February 2025

This period spans two world wars, economic crises, political revolutions, scientific and technological progress, social transformations and cultural shifts.

Model in white bra and frilly petticoat. Sweden, 1954.

Advertising photo shoot for Swedish underwear.

Photographer: Kerstin Bernhard

Bougival, France, 1956.

Houseboats in France in the 1950s were a unique phenomenon, linked to the economic, social and cultural situation of the time. After World War II, the country was going through a period of reconstruction, when many traditional forms of housing were destroyed or in poor condition. This led to the emergence of unconventional solutions for living, including the use of barges and houseboats.

There are currently about 2,000 houseboats in France, most of them (1,500) are concentrated on the Seine.

Since one of my collections was blocked due to a child's bottom in the frame, I had to censor this child.

Photographer: Henri Cartier-Bresson

An open-air school in the cold. Netherlands, 1918.

Open-air schools were quite popular in the Netherlands in the early 20th century. These schools were part of a larger movement aimed at improving children's health and combating diseases such as tuberculosis, which was especially prevalent among urban populations at the time.

A laundry in San Remo, Italy, around the turn of the 20th century.

Laundries were not only a place to do household chores, but also an important social center. Women would gather here to socialize, exchange news, and even resolve some local community issues.

San Remo also had professional laundries, staffed by women who specialized in doing laundry for wealthy families or hotels. The city was known as a resort center, so the demand for quality laundry was high, especially among tourists.

Fashion show. Brussels, 1957.

The photo was taken by Valentin Khuklaev, a Soviet correspondent for the USSR photo agency "Photochronicle TASS", where he worked for over 50 years.

Photographer: Valentin Khuklaev

Two cooks skiing for groceries. St. Moritz, Switzerland, 1930.

The story of two chefs on a skiing trip to St. Moritz, Switzerland, is a powerful example of how a region's climate and traditions can influence everyday life, even in the culinary realm. The episode also reflects the unique conditions of high-altitude resorts, where snow and skiing are an integral part of everyday life.

A tramp on the streets of Paris, 1929.

The global economic crisis of 1929–1930 led to mass unemployment in France. Many people lost their jobs and were unable to provide for themselves and their families. This forced some to leave their homes in search of work or simply a living.

A drag chute deploys from the tail of the Concorde supersonic airliner as it rolls down the runway at Toulouse-Blagnac Airport in France, March 2, 1969.

The Concorde supersonic jet is one of the most famous and innovative airliners in aviation history. Developed jointly by Britain and France, it has become a symbol of technological progress and the era of supersonic passenger travel. Concorde was capable of flying at more than twice the speed of sound, which allowed for significant reductions in travel time between continents.

High operating costs, expensive repairs, and limited demand made the program uneconomical to continue.

Concorde was finally decommissioned in 2003. Its last commercial flight took place on October 24, 2003.

Dutch men in traditional dress, 1900.

Traditional clothing in the Netherlands can vary greatly from region to region, as each province and even village had its own distinct styles and colors. However, there are a few common elements that are characteristic of men's clothing:

Trousers: Often wide or slightly tapered, made of thick fabric, usually in dark shades (blue, black or brown). In some regions, trousers could be decorated with embroidery or trim.

Clogs (klompen): Wooden clogs are one of the most famous symbols of Dutch culture. They were a practical choice for working on farms and in damp conditions. Men wore them as everyday footwear. Leather boots could be worn on more formal occasions.

A hat was an essential part of the look. It could be woven, felt or made of other materials. Hat shapes varied depending on the region and the person's social status.

Lady with dogs. Amsterdam, 1930s.

Spain, Castile, 1953.

Photographer: Jean-Philippe Charbonnier

Summer in Kolmården. Sweden, 1956.

Photographer: Rolf Olson

First snow. Oslo, 1960.

Children sledding in Central Park on a snowy day, New York City, 1954.

Photographer: Peter Stackpole

Greece, early 20th century.

Photographer: Frederic Boisson

Frankfurt, 1928.

Boys, Montreuil, Paris, 1962.

Photographer: Christer Strömholm

The Cortados de la Zarzuela descent. Madrid, 1927. A descent performed by students of the Spanish Military Riding School.

A worker in protective overalls at a dump in Berlin where contaminated vegetables were stored after the Chernobyl accident. May 9, 1986.

After the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident on April 26, 1986, a radioactive cloud spread over large areas of Europe, leaving traces in the ecology and lives of millions of people.

As the wind direction changed, the cloud moved south and west, affecting Central Europe: Poland and Czechoslovakia received significant doses of radiation. In East Germany and West Germany, elevated levels of radioactivity were recorded, especially in agricultural areas.

Photographer: Rainer Klostermeier

Teenagers from Amsterdam, 1966.

Photographer: Ed van der Elsken

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