An unusual square structure was found on Mars (4 photos)

Category: Space, PEGI 0+
4 February 2025

Researchers are in no hurry to draw conclusions, and conspiracy theorists believe that these are "traces of an ancient civilization."

The Mars Orbiter took a picture of an unusual square structure on the red planet. This object has clear lines, right angles and a symmetrical shape - which is generally not typical for nature.

Conspiracy theorists and ufologists immediately began to shout that an "artifact of a vanished civilization" had been found. But scientists are in no hurry to draw conclusions. In their opinion, it could be anything: from an optical illusion or a shooting error to natural geological processes. An example is the rectangular and square formations in Tasmania - this is the result of natural erosion of sedimentary rocks.

But alien lovers are not convinced by such arguments, they compare the mysterious structure with the Great Pyramid of Giza and fantasize about life on Mars in the distant past.

The initiative to study the Martian square was also taken up by Elon Musk. He proposed sending astronauts to the red planet - so that they could sniff everything out on the spot.

However, realists still say that we should consider the simplest version - there are no remains of an ancient civilization on Mars. Because it never existed. And the photo is the result of a faulty camera on the orbital vehicle or an error during shooting. And there is no conspiracy theory or ufology involved.

Users added context to the tweet that Elon Musk responded to, noting that the photos were slightly altered to make the square clearer.

Although even on the original photo a square is visible. Judge for yourself.

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