Unusual inventions from the past in old photos that really surprise (31 photos)

Category: Nostalgia, PEGI 0+
30 January 2025

These things boggle the mind and baffle! Like a journey into a parallel universe. But who knows, maybe someday our ideas will also seem incredible to someone?

A means of protecting a mentally ill person in a British madhouse, 1950.

The means is a protection for the head of a "violent" patient, so that in the event of an attack of hysteria she does not injure herself.

The first mobile phone Bell Labs. 1924.

Pedestrian protection net on police car, 1920

Face masks for the 1918 flu pandemic.

Crawling toy, USA, 1871.

Knuckle duster pistol, 1890s.

"Armored quad bike" - a bicycle with a machine gun mounted on it, England, 1898.

The first mouse with a ball drive.

In 1972, this innovative device cost $415

A ring with a compartment for poison and a hidden blade. USA, 1860s.

M-3 submachine gun with a curved barrel for shooting around corners, USA, 1953.

Inflatable bra, 1950.

Testing new fireproof building material. New Haven, 1949. Unperturbed faces.

A heavy-duty steel container for the safe transportation of cats during bombing raids, Great Britain, 1941.

Tram for dangerous areas, USA, 1920s

A device for concentrating on reading and writing text, invented by Hugo Gernsback, provided deep noise insulation, supplied pure oxygen and limited the view of the text through a narrow slit. USA, 1925

The smallest car in the world, the Peel P500. Speed ​​up to 40 mph, cost $418 at the time. London International Exhibition, 1962

Freckle removal procedure using carbon dioxide, 1930s.

Dog Trap. A Strange Device Horrified Animal Lovers, (1940).

An American farmer demonstrates his goatmobile. The vehicle is driven by a goat, which is located in a running wheel.

The goatmobile could reach speeds of up to 15 km/h. The spare goat is on top, 1937.

A crime-fighting bicycle carried 13 shotguns and rifles, two revolvers, six bayonets, and a flare gun, Chicago, 1948.

Virtual reality goggles from 1968. The device was invented by Hugo Gernsback and worked on the same principle as modern VR glasses

These devices from the First World War were called “sound detectors” and were designed to determine by sound from which side the enemy would appear, circa 1914 – 1918.

This brave tailor tested his flying suit in 1912 by jumping from Eiffel Tower.

He only promised the police that the parachute cape would be presented on a mannequin. At the last moment, Franz decided to jump himself. He crashed, but his faith in himself still amazes people.

Chastity belt for men, 16th century.

A set of wooden sex devices. Japan, 1930s.

Loading the first 5MB hard drive onto a PanAm plane, 1965.

A luxury lawn mower with air conditioning.


Girl in a Disney Mask

During World War II, Disney introduced friendly children's gas masks.

In the 1930s, "Baby cages" were used to keep children in city apartments supplied with fresh air and sunlight.

A woman with a baby in a stroller, ready for a gas attack. England, 1938

A revolver with a camera that is triggered immediately before the shot for reporting to the customer. 1938

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