A Man Became "serious criminal" so that the authorities would recognize him as alive (2 photos)

30 January 2025

The man feared that all his belongings would be confiscated because the government had declared him dead and issued a death certificate. If his name was included in the police reports, he might achieve his goal.

40-year-old Baburam Bhil from Mitora village in Rajasthan, India beat up several teachers and took students from a local school hostage to get the authorities to declare him alive.

At first, the man tried for a long time to correct the mistake and convince the authorities that he was still alive by appealing to village elders and government agencies. However, this did not bring any results.

Fearing that all his property would be confiscated by the government after his "death", Baburam decided that becoming a serious criminal was the best way to draw attention to his problem.

He took a knife and a bottle of petrol and started terrorizing the local school.

When he entered the school premises, he inflicted grievous bodily harm on several teachers and also a parent.

In addition, Baburam Bhil also took several students and teachers hostage until the police arrived and arrested him.

During interrogation, the man explained that he had been wrongfully declared dead and after repeated attempts to have his death certificate cancelled, he began desperately trying to prove that he was alive.

He decided that committing crimes serious enough to warrant his arrest would leave the police no choice but to arrest him and record his name in police records as proof that he was not, in fact, dead.

"Baburam has been arrested for his crimes, but his plan may work as the police have announced an investigation into his claims," ​​the reporters noted.

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