They Are Not Noticed or Used as Ashtrays...The Curious History of London Bollards (11 photos)

Category: Nostalgia, PEGI 0+
30 January 2025

Most people don't notice the bollard next to the bin at Southwark Bridge. Some even use it as an ashtray. But what thousands of locals and tourists don't know is that this old bollard has a fascinating past.

It's actually an old French cannon, taken from a ship that fought in the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805.

After defeating France during the Napoleonic Wars, Britain began scrapping enemy ships for all they were worth.

Bollard at Southwark Bridge

When it became clear that the guns were too large to be mounted on British ships, they were returned to London and installed as bollards commemorating Britain's victory.

Another unique cannon can be seen at Borough Market. Over the years, most of these artefacts have been replaced by modern alternatives, and the few that remain have been forgotten.

Battle of Trafalgar, 1805

Historian and author Alice Loxton said: “We Brits see amazing history everywhere, but we take it for granted [...] or don’t quite appreciate its value. The gun bollard-turned-ashtray is a classic example. People are surprised when they learn its history. If there was a plaque next to it, I’m sure everyone would be amazed.”

The flagship of the British fleet commander Admiral Nelson "Victoria" in the Battle of Trafalgar on October 21, 1805

The Council Southwark has no plans to remove the guns. Cllr James Macash said: “The council is always vigilant when it comes to protecting and preserving our borough’s historic heritage. The bollard at Southwark Bridge was originally a cannon and is protected as a Grade II listed structure. This ensures it will remain in place and will continue to represent our history for many years to come!”

Bollards from French cannons were so popular that copies were made. They can still be found in London

Like the bollards, London's unremarkable fences also go unnoticed. Few people know that they made history in the city during World War II and saved hundreds of lives. Initially, they were stretchers for the wounded. After the war, they were turned into scrap metal and used to fence buildings.

Fencing in Tower Hamlets, London

Soldiers carry a wounded civilian during the bombing

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