The strangest, most unusual and absurd weapons in 12 popular games (18 photos)

Category: Games, PEGI 0+
30 January 2025

Sometimes computer games present us with very unusual weapons that look very strange, and sometimes even absurd.

Boogerman (products of own life activity)

The game "Boogerman" was quite popular in the mid-90s. Many of us played this unusual platformer on the "Sega Mega Drive 2" console.

Our hero will have to go through the toilet to the Ex-crement dimension to defeat the main villain and his henchmen, who want to cause global pollution.

But the most interesting thing is the weaponry of Boogerman himself, because he is helped by the products of his own life activity, which he generates from all the cracks.

The idea to create a game about a character who constantly emits gases was born to the developers of the game thanks to their colleague, who suffered from flatulence. But the development process itself was accompanied by some difficulties, since the creators of the game could not calmly concentrate on the game because they were constantly laughing at their brainchild and crazy ideas, which were generously seasoned with toilet humor.

By the way, I once made a separate short video about the creation of the game "Boogerman" and its features. I recommend you watch it. It will not take you much time.

Earthworm Jim (Whip)

"Earthworm Jim" is another funny game that many of us played on the Sega Mega Drive 2 console. Although, someone got acquainted with it on personal computers or on the SNES console.

The development history of this game is quite funny and interesting. And if you are interested in how it all happened, then I recommend you read my separate article on this topic. I will only say that the character Earthworm Jim himself appeared by accident. It all started when, during an interview, lead game designer Dave Perry asked animator Douglas TenNapel to draw a character on a napkin, and the animator immediately came up with a worm in a spacesuit, which eventually became the main character of the game.

In the game itself, Jim wields his pistol, but as an additional weapon you can use a whip, which is Jim himself. The very idea of ​​​​using yourself as a weapon looks very funny. Moreover, Jim can also hook on various shiny hooks with this whip, which adds a little extra humor to the game.

Comix Zone (Paper Plane)

"Comix Zone" is simply a wonderful, bright and interesting, but at the same time quite difficult game. Traveling through the world of comics, beating your enemies to death, was a real pleasure.

Basically, our hero will have to rely only on his arms and legs in battle. But in addition to this, he can also use the weapons he finds, such as knives or explosives.

But we should also not forget about a very interesting weapon, namely a paper airplane, which Sketch Turner creates from a piece of paper he tore out. The airplane is so powerful that it inflicts enormous damage on opponents while flying, and then returns back. However, it is worth considering that creating an airplane will require you to spend some of your life energy.

Cyberpunk 2077 (Skippy Pistol)

The popular game "Cyberpunk 2077" also has an interesting and unusual weapon, namely the pistol with artificial intelligence "Skippy", which can shoot in two modes: pacifism (shooting at the limbs) and cold-blooded killer (headshot).

Well, the unusualness of this weapon is also in the fact that the pistol will talk to you every now and then. After all, it has artificial intelligence sewn into it, so be prepared for the fact that your weapon will chatter incessantly. For example, when you reload "Skippy", he will say the phrase "Oh, yeah-ah-ah! Don't stop." And I'm not even talking about the fact that the gun will overwhelm you with a ton of interesting facts that are somehow related to murders.

It is also worth considering that if you choose the "Cold-blooded killer" mode, then after 50 murders Skippy will permanently change his mode to "Pacifism and puppies". Well, if you choose the peaceful mode (pacifism and puppies), then you can either leave this mode forever, or pass the cold-bloodedness test and change this mode to "cold-blooded killer".

Postal 2 (cat-silencer)

"Postal 2" is a very, very crazy game, where there is no place for seriousness, and where a trip to the store for a carton of milk or a trip to the library can turn into a big fight with shootouts, fires and explosions.

The game has a lot of regular weapons, such as a pistol, shotgun, machine gun, etc. But there are a couple of gadgets that I would like to note. In particular, we are talking about the cat, having picked it up, you can use it as a temporary silencer for a weapon. Yes, this is not a weapon, but in fact only a temporary modifier, but I could not help but note it.

And of course, it is impossible not to note the fact that our hero can relieve himself by scaring people. It is not a weapon, but it looks strange and very trashy.

Duke Nyukem 3D (Shrunker)

The Shrinker is a very funny non-damaging weapon in the game "Duke Nyukem 3D". And its essence is that the gun reduces your opponent to the size of a mouse for 12 seconds. All that is required of you is to come closer to the reduced monster and crush it like a bug.

Blood (Voodoo Doll)

In the cult first-person shooter "Blood" you can use a Voodoo doll as a weapon. All you need to do is point the doll at the monster and start poking it with needles, after which the monster will begin to experience wild pain, and then completely kick the bucket.

Basically, the Voodoo doll is a regular long-range weapon, but the execution itself looks pretty funny.

Rune (Limbs)

I remember that the disc with the game "Rune" was the very first one I bought after buying my first computer in 2002. Personally, I just adored this game, and thanks to it, I even got a little interested in Scandinavian mythology.

Basically, if you go through the storyline, you won't find anything unusual in this game. Yes, there are plenty of weapons here (swords, axes, maces), and they are all logical in principle.

But if you suddenly want to play in the network game mode with friends, you will find something interesting. In this mode, the heads and hands that you knock off your opponents can be picked up and used as weapons. The situation looked pretty epic when I, playing a game with friends online, finished off one of my friends with his own hand when he was running to the treasured healer to restore his limb.

Prince of Persia: Warrior within (Teddy bear, etc.)

The game "Prince of Persia: Warrior within" is a continuation of the game "Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time". And unlike the first part of the game, the weapons here are much more diverse. And I'm not even talking about additional weapons that can be taken from enemies, and which are only temporary, since they quickly become unusable.

But in addition to the standard swords in the game, you can also get various secret types of weapons that clearly do not fit into the game's entourage. What is the toy teddy bear worth, which can be obtained in the location with the Mechanical Tower in the room with the fireplace. This one looks very absurd, and it does very little damage to enemies. But after each hit on enemies, the prince restores a small part of his health.

In addition, in the game you can find other unusual types of weapons, such as a flamingo statue, a hockey stick and even a Mickey Mouse glove, which knocks down an enemy with one hit. It is assumed that this glove is a kind of jab at the Disney studio for the fact that they once nicked several ideas from the original Prince of Persia game (1989), using them in the cartoon Aladdin (a large hourglass, an evil vizier Jafar, who wants to become a ruler, etc.).

Stubbs the Zombie in Rebel Without a Pulse(Свомир)

In the unusual comedy game "Stubbs the Zombie" we will have to take on the role of a zombie who crawled out of the ground with the goal of taking revenge on those who killed him, and also to bring back the love of his life.

Here we essentially play as a negative character who kills ordinary people and infects them. Moreover, our zombie does not have any weapons as such. Instead, he uses the capabilities of his body... and other people's bodies.

For example, Stubbs can use the limbs of the enemies he kills as a weapon, or use an intestinal grenade as a weapon. I won't go into details, otherwise it all looks not very aesthetically pleasing.

At worst, Stubbs can use his head like a bowling ball to attack his opponents. Yes, this game clearly does not pretend to be serious, so do not look for it here.


The "Worms" series of games is built on the confrontation of several squads of combat worms, who use a wide variety of weapons in battle. And if pistols, machine guns, grenades, napalm and rockets do not look strange in principle, then other types of weapons are very unusual and interesting.

What is the exploding sheep or banana bomb worth? And of course, we can't forget the holy grenade, which causes significant damage, and which, when activated, gives us "Hallelujah!".

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (Wabberjack)

Well, I wanted to finish my article today with such an unusual weapon as the Wabberjack from the game "The elder scrolls V: Skyrim".

The Wabberjack is a staff that is a Daedric artifact. It looks like a simple staff that you can use to shoot at your enemies, but its effect is very unpredictable, and the player will not be able to predict what exactly will happen after using it.

In 50% of cases, the staff will inflict fire, cold or lightning damage to the enemy. That is, in fact, nothing unusual within the framework of this game. But in the remaining 50% of cases, the staff can give something very unusual.

For example, there is a chance that the staff will turn the enemy into a rabbit, chicken, rat, crab or even a dremora. Also, there is a 5% chance that the staff will heal your enemy.

There is also a small chance (2%) that the target will turn into a pile of ash, leaving behind a sweet roll or 50 gold coins.

But the most dangerous thing is that there is a tiny chance (2%) that when using the staff, you yourself will instantly die. So be careful when using it.

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