Elephants from the Moscow Zoo made bath brooms from unsold Christmas trees
Unsold New Year trees went to a good cause. The Moscow Zoo brought the remaining trees from the New Year holidays as part of an annual campaign. All the animals liked the trees, and the elephants made a kind of bath broom out of them.
At the Moscow Zoo, elephants turned the trees brought to them into a bath broom. This was reported by the director of the capital's zoo, Svetlana Akulova.
About 630 trees were delivered to the zoo as part of the annual campaign to collect firs, firs and pines.
"The elephants, our wise and kind giants, accepted the spruce branches with such sincere joy that their reaction reminded us of an old Russian custom - visiting a bathhouse," Akulova wrote, adding that the animals scratch their backs with the trees.
She noted that the elephant Pamir "could stand for hours, carefully pressing a spruce to his back, like a gentle broom."