The elephant could not wake up her baby elephant. People came to help

8 September 2023

The baby elephant was sleeping very soundly and mom got worried. After several attempts to wake the baby on her own, the elephant was forced to resort to the help of the zoo staff.

Remember "The old elephant sleeps calmly, / He knows how to sleep while standing"? Elephants really know how to sleep standing up, and often this is the position for sleeping adult animals. However, they sleep very little, because most of the day these giants are busy looking for food. Therefore, their sleep is short: on average, in the wild, elephants sleep from two to four hours a day. Despite the fact that the sleep of these animals is not very strong, and they doze more often, elephants sometimes even snore.

To sleep better, elephants can lie down on the grass. True, it will not be easy for an adult animal to get up from such a position. Elephants, on the contrary, prefer to sleep on their side, while choosing soft grass as bedding. In addition, they still do not have much weight, they are more active, so it is much easier and faster for them to get up than their parents.

True, sometimes it is difficult to wake up, which is why the elephants make their mother worry. Such a case just got on the video: my mother is trying unsuccessfully to wake her sleepyhead. As a result, worried zoo employees come to the rescue, who do not immediately succeed in waking up the baby elephant.

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