Onion Island in Japan

22 January 2025

There is an island in Japan dedicated to onions. It is home to many places imbued with onion aesthetics.

The Japanese have once again proven their mastery of turning ordinary things into a cultural phenomenon. This time, they did it with onions, which have an entire island at their disposal. They have taken pride of place in every corner, from themed cafes to slot machines where fresh onions drop instead of teddy bears. Visitors can try on onion wigs, take photos with onion statues, and even listen to a concert on an onion-themed piano.

The creators of this unique place approached the matter with fanatical devotion - every detail is reminiscent of the main character of the island. The observation deck is decorated with a giant onion, like a beacon for lost souls looking for their path to onion enlightenment. And the merch collection will make even those who have never cried when cutting onions shed tears. Badges, keychains, soft toys and even clothing are all imbued with the onion aesthetic.

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