17 strange things that clearly came to us straight from a parallel reality (18 photos)
Everything in the world is changing so fast and constantly that it would be good for some things to remain unchanged, at least for the sake of balance. But no, even the most ordinary everyday objects sometimes refuse to be the same as everyone else and look completely different from what we are used to!
My mom bought a tiny ice mold
I got a tape measure without markup
Police car in Germany
Watermelon from my garden dads
My Airbnb listing - a house within a house
Chicken egg
Probably just a chicken at that moment coughed!
A Deck of Round Cards
The Fork I Got with My Salad
Photos from Our Wedding
Found in the Basement chess set for three!
Marking outside a fishing supply store
My dad grows Indian corn
This corn is used to make flour, not to eat on the cob. And it also makes great popcorn.
In addition to the cubes for the game, there are also balls
Albino asparagus brought to the local grocery
Prototype for airline seats "economy"
Here's a bike I found on the street
Square croissant. Now you've seen it all!