A drunk policeman in Zambia decided to give a gift to prisoners (3 photos + 1 video)

8 January 2025

Titus Phiri celebrated the New Year on duty. He drank too much and, in a state of alcoholic intoxication, was inflamed with a fiery love for his neighbors.

The closest ones were 15 local residents, detained for assault, robbery and burglary and awaiting their fate at the Leonard Chilo police station in the capital Lusaka.

But what if they are not people, thought the drunk Titus and decided to give them a luxurious gift.

Police spokesman Ray Hamunga said Phiri, "while intoxicated, forcibly took the keys to the cell" from PC Serah Banda on New Year's Eve.

"Inspector Phiri subsequently opened both the male and female cells and ordered the suspects to leave, saying they were free to cross into the new year."

Well, they did, but not all of them. The two realized that something was clearly wrong and refused to leave the cameras. Titus left his job after realizing what he had done.

The criminals who received free rein are still wanted, a hunt has been declared for them. And what punishment the kind-hearted policeman will face is not specified, but he was arrested first.

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