16 mysterious household items from the past, by the appearance of which you can’t immediately understand why they were needed (17 photos)

4 January 2025

Every day we use various household items and are happy to have them. But similar things that make life much easier or decorate it existed in the past - and many of them can compete with their modern counterparts in terms of thoughtfulness and beauty!

Antique chairs had special handles to hold a tray

This is what medicine ampoules looked like: they were sealed by melting glass flame

Mid-century ashtray

A 1930s Tiffany Stirrer drinks

And this is what the lighters for the lamps looked like

Our house was built in the mid-70s, and every room has weird outlets

Three pins were intended for television antennas and radio, and the central ones were for turning the antenna.

Decoration with smelling salts, they were worn by ladies in the Victorian era

And one more decoration, this time for horses. These straps were hung on harnesses

In our 1906 house there is a blocked line from the time when there was gas lighting

A fashionable but incomprehensible chair from the 1980s: you have to sit on the left side, and put your feet on right

Aluminum was once used to make not only saucepans, but also candy bowls

Here is a gorgeous retro phone stand

You can put a phone book or a notepad in the drawer, and the top handle stand can be carried around the house along with the phone!

Silver rattle-shaped box - for example, a lock of a child's hair was kept inside

In the basement of our house there is an ash collector to clean the air from soot

Antique salt shaker. Salt spoon as a pig's tail

And here you can guess! Did you recognize it?

That's right, it's an inkwell - one container contained ink, and the other contained sand for blotting up the drops.

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