Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve is an interesting place for those who love birds (20 photos + 1 video)

24 December 2024

This rare corner of wild nature in Singapore will make you feel like you are in a virgin rainforest.

Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve is a breath of fresh air - natural greenery and rich biodiversity, which is rare in Singapore. The unique pastoral charm is especially beautiful in the mangrove area. It even seems like a tropical forest in Malaysia or Indonesia.

But in reality, this place is located in the far northwest of Singapore, in a unique corner of wildlife. Sungei Buloh, Singapore's first ASEAN Heritage Park, features coastal trails, forest paths and migratory bird routes. The entire route covers a distance of 3,700 meters. The sanctuary is an important stopover for more than 150 species of exotic migratory birds from Alaska, Siberia, northern China and Australia, making it an important ecological site that forms a network of shorebird habitats in East Asia and Australasia.

In addition to migratory birds, the wetlands are home to a variety of native fauna. One of the most common animals is the infamous Malayan Water Monitor. It is so large that some people confuse it with the Komodo Dragon.

It is better to study and explore the area with experienced guides who will reveal the secrets of the local flora and fauna and tell you a lot of interesting things about the feathered inhabitants of the protected area.

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