In five years, electric cars will become cheaper than cars with internal combustion engines (1 photo)

24 December 2024

The main prerequisite for this is a stable global trend towards reducing the cost of traction batteries.

Bloomberg has published the latest data on the current cost of batteries for electric vehicles. The current specific price of traction batteries is $115 per 1 kWh, which is 20% less than in 2023. The reasons for the reduction in price are said to be an increase in battery production volumes and a drop in prices for some raw metals.

For the cost of an electric car to equal the price of a fuel-powered model of a similar class, it is necessary to reach the level of $100 per 1 kWh, which is currently happening in China, where cars with internal combustion engines and electric cars are sold at comparable prices.

It is predicted that if battery progress continues at this rate, then by 2030 electric cars will be sold at prices lower than cars of the same class, since the specific cost of batteries will decrease to $69 per 1 kWh. However, this may be hampered by the government's refusal to provide benefits and subsidies to the EV industry, which will lead to a drop in battery production volumes and, naturally, a resumption of growth in their cost.

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