20 funny and dear cats that will not let the owner get sad (21 photos)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
12 December 2024

If there is a cat in the house, then sadness will definitely not be able to seep inside and occupy even a tiny piece of the living space and the owner's heart.

Fluffy ones, although they are sometimes accused of detachment, find ways (and, it must be said, effective ones) to raise the mood and stabilize the psycho-emotional state of their little people. And if not by deed, then by their appearance alone, capable of driving away bad thoughts and relieving tension.

1. But I am better... Better than anything in the world!

2. Softer than any pillow

3. Faster, higher, stronger!

4. Territory of plush comfort

6. Are you sad? I'll be there right now!

6. Do you doubt that I am the best anti-sadness?

7. All the bad thoughts were left outside the window

8. If someone pisses you off, just bite their butt

9. Chip and Dale arrived at help

10. I taught you - in any unclear situation, pet the cat

11. Crazy in a therapeutic dose

12. A psychotherapist who is always under hand

13. I will come to your aid

14. Lie down, sleep, and everything will pass

15. Now we will take away all your problems and throw them away far, far away

16. Let's start with fitness

17. Home hypnosis session

18. I am the most charming and attractive. And you too!

19. You have to follow the furry doctor's recommendations, or I'll bite!

20. Triple therapy - triple effect

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