20 Furry Bosses Who Literally Climbed on Their Owners' Heads (21 photos)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
12 December 2024

When you truly love your pet, you forgive them some pranks, liberties and antics.

But sometimes pets, especially cats, literally climb on their owners' heads, realizing that even for such impudent behavior they will not get into trouble. After all, furry animals are ancient, sacred and inviolable. And proof of this are photos of cat owners who have resigned themselves to their fate.

1. Life in a big city

2. Taxi that is always under paws

3. The morning does not begin with coffee

4. Have you got yourself a specially trained person?

5. A new word in the hairdressing industry

6. Smile and meow

7. Eliminating migraines. Fast, painless, pleasant

8. Attach a cat, and the hassle will pass

9. Better than any jewelry

10. Big friendly family

11. Chasing away bad dreams

12. We're indulging in some goodies here

13. Professional paw massage

14. I will protect you from all kinds of troubles

15. Who are you against such cuteness?

16. I won't leave osteochondrosis a chance

17. You've got a strand of hair out of your hair

18. Unearthly beauty

19. One whole

20. Moving in the same direction

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