Better than Nostradamus: 10 loud predictions of the future made by cartoons over the past 20 years (11) photo)

Category: Cartoons, PEGI 0+
10 December 2024

Mankind has been trying to predict the future since ancient times. Magic rituals, fortune telling, lucid dreams - all this was used for the opportunity to at least slightly open the door leading to the unknown and look into tomorrow.

Fortunately or unfortunately, these methods have never been distinguished by accuracy. But who would have thought that centuries later the creators of the animated series "The Simpsons", "Futurama", "Inspector Gadget", "Johnny Bravo" would turn the world of predictions upside down and illustrate future events in their shows with amazing accuracy.

Donald Trump's Presidency

The series "The Simpsons" predicted Donald Trump's victory in the elections 16 years before his first election. One of the heroines - Lisa Simpson talks about this in the episode "Bart in the Future".

Virtual Reality

The characters of "Futurama" used virtual reality technologies for entertainment long before their widespread distribution throughout the world. The gadget in the image is almost no different from the devices that the modern computer development market offers today.

Construction of the "Shard"

The construction of the famous London "Shard" was predicted 14 years before work on the project began. It is curious how the creators of "The Simpsons" were able to predict with amazing accuracy not only the shape of the building, but also its location.


This crazy invention is found in the Futurama universe. Its purpose is to sniff planets and other objects located at a great distance. It would seem that fiction is fiction. But American scientists, apparently inspired by the projects of the fictional Professor Fansfort, racked their brains and decided to create a real sniffoscope.

The device was named Nasal Ranger and is used to determine the degree of air pollution.

Discovery of the "God Particle"

In 1998, in one of the episodes of "The Simpsons", Homer wrote a formula that later predicted one of the greatest scientific discoveries. Fourteen years later, scientists were able to detect the Higgs boson, the particle that created all the mass of the universe. And, lo and behold, the value presented in Homer's formula is almost completely identical to the mass of the element found.

The first laptop and digital camera

The popular cartoon series of the late 80s "Inspector Gadget" surprised its viewers with unusual inventions that the characters used to fight criminals and evil forces. Particular attention was drawn to the gadgets of Penny's niece - a computer book - almost a prototype of the first Toshiba T1100 PC and a smart watch.


Yes, the Simpsons outdid themselves and accidentally (or maybe not) predicted the emergence of a well-known virus. According to the story shown in the episode "Marge in Chains", the disease came from Japan and spread throughout the fictional town of Springfield. The episode became one of the most discussed in recent years. Its release dates back to 1993.

September 11

The cartoon "Johnny Bravo" predicted the collapse of the twin towers 4 months before the tragedy. In the episode "Johnny's Chain Gang" in the background we can see an image of a burning building with the sign "Coming Soon" rising above it. Creepy, isn't it?

Self-driving car

A few years ago, it was impossible to imagine that cars would not only move on the highway independently, but also park themselves. Inspector Gadget knew a lot about innovation, so his gadget car is an almost exact copy of Tesla's driverless cars (in terms of functionality, for sure). Coincidence?

The Game of Thrones Finale

The Simpsons episode "The Ramparts" predicted several plot twists that were implemented in the final part of the series. The creators predicted the burning of the village, the appearance of the three-eyed eagle and the Night King.

Sometimes predictions come true with amazing accuracy. This cannot but impress. However, the creators of animated projects are sure that it is not so difficult to know the future. It is enough to carefully observe the world and analyze what is happening.

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