A child is more burdened than workers: how China lives without tutors (6 photos)

Category: Children, PEGI 0+
10 December 2024

In China, it is forbidden to open tutoring companies, and this law was introduced recently. This was done for the sake of fairer competition and social mobility, because the rich could afford tutors for their children. And as a result, the children of the rich received all the places in universities, and talented but poor children did not.

Who do you think has it harder - Chinese or South Korean children?

And so, for the sake of social justice, China has banned hiring tutors for children. Well, and also because children are literally dying from the academic workload in schools and courses. Usually, a child studies even more than a worker works - a rather strange imbalance.

Of course, it is absolutely impossible to immediately close all training courses and small private tutoring studios. But at the moment, they are prohibited from accepting students on weekends and holidays, and they are also prohibited from opening new educational companies aimed at schoolchildren.

Primary school students have a mandatory nap during lunch - right on their desks

Half has already collapsed

The ban on overloading children has already had a very strong impact on the private education market, hundreds of educational centers for school-age children and online courses have closed. Shares of Chinese educational companies have fallen by half since the adoption of the new policy.

Large Chinese educational companies were forced to switch to vocational and artistic education (which is not valued at all in China). Tens of thousands of employees lost their jobs in the first month of the law's introduction - the workload simply could not be increased.

Sometimes children cry from fatigue, learn about the harsh world at the age of ten...

And of course, private tutors now either work underground or are forced to look for a place in Chinese schools as a teacher.

Because the main goal of the law on reducing the workload is precisely the tutoring industry. In fact, wealthy Chinese parents can still buy lessons online, but not from a Chinese resident, but by connecting to foreign services via VPN. So English teachers abroad unexpectedly received an increase in the number of Chinese students.

But finding a teacher outside China who could explain something to a Chinese child is not so easy. But it is possible if you have money.

At least they do five-minute warm-ups with the teacher here

The poor could not afford additional education before. So the new law had the biggest impact on middle-income families who could only afford inexpensive local tutors and courses.

The biggest relief was felt by primary school students who were forbidden to be given homework "that cannot be finished before 9 pm." In fact, this is an order for the child not to do homework in the evening, but this is controlled through the amount of homework.

A very strangely formulated law, it has too many loopholes, but for now there is less homework.

Stills from a Chinese school where children are taught posture.

High school students continue to study online on various learning platforms and do online exercises. Their life has not become easier, the percentage of live participation of the tutor has simply decreased, replaced by practice tests and assignments.

That is, the attempt to reduce competition and make life easier for children has not worked yet, in the 21st century. Children are still overloaded and fall asleep in class. It is not so easy to make a Chinese parent nag their child less about studying.

Schoolchildren really do sleep during nap time, and not like us. Because they are exhausted and know that they still have to study until the evening

What can you do, there is huge social competition in China, and parents do not see any other way for their children, except to pass exams better than everyone else.

The situation is very strange, but extremely curious. It is noteworthy that the Chinese state is aware of how unhealthy the atmosphere has become, but the parents refuse to admit it.

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