Who are “chicken blood parents” in China (7 photos)

3 June 2024

In the ancient anti-scientific Chinese tradition, it was believed that a person could be made stronger and more energetic by injecting him with chicken blood. And although now this theory has long been refuted, the ancient phrase is firmly entrenched in the Chinese language.

Share your blood, cock!

Who are “jivas” or “parents with chicken blood”?

In our country and in European countries, this is rather called the phenomenon of strict Asian parents. Asian parents mean when they praise you for a B, but an Asian child is asked why not an A? Anyone who was an excellent student as a child knows this attitude.

But we see only the tip of the monstrous iceberg of child training in China among parents with the “chicken-blooded parents” psychotype. That is, from the Chinese “da ji xue” (jiva), which literally means “injection of chicken blood.”

They say that in 2021, such injections were actually given to children in villages

It is implied that they will do everything to ensure that their child excels, even injecting him with chicken blood every evening.

Another name for this is “chicken upbringing,” but this is not exactly what we consider a mother hen who protects the child from all the blows of fate.

“Parents with chicken blood” want their children to succeed in life so much that they enroll them in literally all educational courses and clubs, leaving the child 5-6 hours to sleep.

A Chinese caricature, but a national theme, don’t you agree?

Of course, wealthier middle-class families can afford this. And in them this manifests itself in a particularly ugly form in relation to the child. Why?

Features of the mentality of Chinese parents

Because this is deeply embedded in the Chinese mentality, the country even has a proverb: “I hope that sons become dragons and daughters become phoenixes.” That is, the child must surpass the parent.

And while the poor must find a good job in order to live a little richer, the middle class must overcome incredible competition to move up. Moreover, in the last ten years, social progress in China has slowed down, and among young people almost a quarter are unemployed (they work in shops and deliveries).

And this is a screenshot from a game where you have to upgrade a student in different sciences, but so that he doesn’t die!

There is also a purely Chinese term - “Haidian Mother”. Located in Beijing, Haidian District is known for its super-powerful educational resources. They create an atmosphere of intense academic competition and very high expectations from parents.

As far as we know, the term appeared after one of the mothers from Haidian asked the teacher: is it normal that her 4-year-old son only knows 1,500 English words?!

Chinese social the networks are full of videos where parents do homework with their children and are hysterical with impatience

Both funny and sad.

Consequences of such training

Complete moral devastation and apathy among children. What did you think, they all became the heads of Aliexpress? To do this, you need to be born Jack Ma.

The fact is that with a very high academic workload, children do not have time for psychological development. That is, they not only do not know how to build relationships, to understand what brings them happiness. They don't know how to be alone with themselves.

Nowadays in urban schools in China, even elementary school students come home after 8 o'clock. Some kind of dead end development

They evaluate themselves only by the level of their grades, and they cannot even write anything more about themselves in the questionnaire. In 2016, first-year students at Peking University were tested and 40% of them thought that life was completely meaningless.

Of course, everyone has difficulties in life. Some people are poor, others are overworked in their studies, and then they have to overcome childhood traumas and difficulties throughout their lives. It is ironic that children are most traumatized by those wealthy parents who have all the means for a harmonious childhood for their children.

Of course, parents are afraid that unemployment will befall their children. But the fear is too great!

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