An artist invented a gun that collects and freezes tears, turning them into bullets (3 photos + 1 video)

4 December 2024

A few years ago, Taiwanese artist Yi Fei Chen, who studied in the Netherlands, was reprimanded by her teacher. The young woman was so hurt by her mentor's rebuke that she burst into tears, and then came to the conclusion that the tears we shed because others hurt us should also have the ability to hurt those who hurt us.

So, Yi Fei Chen set about creating a "tear gun." This strange weapon collects tears, freezes them with gas and turns them into bullets that are fired using a spring mechanism.

Despite the fact that the gun has been shown at many exhibitions and has been improved several times, the artist does not plan to put it on sale. Moreover, she said that she created the "tear" weapon not for revenge, but to feel her own strength of spirit by collecting tears.

Although the woman did use her very first gun, shooting at that same teacher. The teacher voluntarily agreed to become a target during a weapons demonstration and highly praised the student for her interesting project.

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