A tourist who went to the forest woke up from unpleasant laughter nearby

3 December 2024

A tourist from the United States went on a solo camping trip and woke up at night from a blood-curdling laugh. There were a lot of coyotes wandering around the tent.

Luke Nichols runs a popular channel called Outdoor Boys on YouTube. He films videos about his expeditions to protected areas and hard-to-reach places on the planet. Nichols shows his subscribers survival skills in the wild, fishes and hunts on his own. In his latest video, Nichols told how he was woken up by a strange noise. “It’s about 2:30 a.m. and there’s a big pack of coyotes wandering around my camp,” he says in the video. “I heard them laughing and barking to the left and then to the right.”

According to Nichols, he barely slept because he spent the night surrounded by predators, listening intently to what was happening in the forest. However, the coyotes did not attack the lone tourist.

In the morning, Nichols made an update. “They were running through the forest around the tent. The first time I heard them was here, on the left. There were so many coyotes that it looked like a dog kennel. They were laughing, squealing and barking. Around two in the morning, they went from here to the left and then made their way through the forest to the tent. And somewhere around four or five in the morning, they came back here, and this time I heard them behind the tent,” the blogger shared the details with his subscribers.

Coyotes sometimes attack people and pets. However, unlike many other predators, they usually do not pose a serious threat. Experts advise shouting loudly or throwing rocks in their direction if coyotes start to approach.

4 December 2024
А ще є правило: не зберігати їжу і не викидати недоїдки поруч із наметом. Від ведмедя він би камінням не відбився.
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