One cloudy and foggy morning: a kangaroo kept a driver company in Australia

Category: Car world, PEGI 0+
3 December 2024

A kangaroo jumped out onto the road and wanted to compete with the driver in a "sprint". However, due to the wet road and fog, the man had to take care of the animal, which could get under the wheels of his car.

A resident of the town of Mojarra, located in the Australian province of Victoria, was driving to work in his car when a kangaroo jumped out in front of the road and started running in front of the driver, as if "escorting" him.

The description of the video cites the words of the driver, who told everything that was filmed by his dashcam camera on November 26 at 6 am local time.

"I was driving to work. The road was wet, drizzling rain and heavy fog. A kangaroo jumped out in front of the car, which could not run to the other side of the road," says the hero of the story.

According to him, it seemed to him that due to the wet road and the hill, the animal hobbled several times. Therefore, the driver had to brake several times to avoid hitting the animal.

"He managed to jump out of the driveway again and again. So I had to drive slowly to make sure the kangaroo was safe," the man admitted.

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