In India, a farmer turned a dog into a "tiger" (4 photos)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
24 October 2024

Journalists clarified that the dog's fur was painted with safe paint. In addition, the farmer posted photos of real tigers on the field.

A farmer from the Indian state of Karnataka, Srikanth Gowda, painted his dog in the colors of a tiger to scare away monkeys that were devastating his land.

The man was tired of the constant raids of monkey packs that destroyed his crops. Gowda had previously heard that another farmer used a toy tiger for this purpose, but decided to paint his dog to have a more powerful effect on the pests.

The farmer painted the black stripes characteristic of a tiger on the dog's skin. Journalists noted that the dog was painted with safe hair dye that can last a month.

Gouda also placed posters of his "tiger dog" and real tigers on the farmer's field.

"The strange method unexpectedly turned out to be effective. And now his trick has been adopted by other farmers - Srikat's neighbors," the authors of the material noted.

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