She lived like in a fairy tale: two months before the wedding, a woman found out that her fiancé does not exist (3 photos)

24 October 2024

On their first Christmas together, her lover proposed to Megan, giving her a diamond ring from Cartier, which turned out to be a fake.

27-year-old Megan Clark from the Isle of Wight (UK) unexpectedly found out two months before the wedding that the entire biography of her fiancé, "Lord" Bertie Underwood, was actually a complete fabrication.

According to the British woman, everything began "like a fairy tale": she regularly received flowers, expensive gifts, spent luxurious evenings with her beloved in London and rode with him in a Bentley.

"He was charming, kind, considerate, loving. A real gentleman," recalls Megan, who later moved in with her boyfriend, who lived in a three-story house on the beach.

He proposed the title of lady

On their first Christmas together, her beloved proposed to her, giving her a diamond ring from Cartier (later it turned out to be a fake). He also said that she could have the title of lady if she wanted.

However, after 18 months of living together, everything went awry. When the couple began to receive letters addressed to other people, Megan had questions. At first, the man brushed them off, assuring that the correspondence was sent to the previous tenants.

Clark decided to do her own research: she started searching the internet and found out that her beloved "Bertie" was actually named Robert Madejski - he had several convictions for fraud.

Romance Scam

According to law enforcement, this romance scam involves the fraudster making every effort to gain the trust of his victim and convince them that they are in a real relationship.

The National Fraud Intelligence Bureau in the UK reports that the number of such cases has increased by 8.4% compared to last year.

"Romance fraud is a crime that is very underreported. There is no shame in telling your story, because it is through sharing information that we can learn about the tactics used and catch the culprits," says Detective Oliver Little.

Victims of the scammer

Megan decided to write about her experience on social media to warn others about the same mistakes. She later received messages from other victims who said they had also had romantic relationships with Robert.

"Every person he did it to was different. There was no pattern in terms of type, gender or age. So there was never any real feeling between them. I think he is the kind of person who can't really love anyone," Megan concluded.

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