In Australia, they want to put children in prison again from the age of 10 (3 photos)

Yesterday, 14:42

Let's move on to serious news from overseas.

Yes, this is not a typo, previously the age of criminal responsibility in Northern Australia began at 10 years. They say that children already understand what is good and what is bad, so they should answer to the law. But then local I'm Mothers, having enlisted the support of doctors, human rights organizations and indigenous groups, achieved the abolition of these draconian rules.

Children began to be held accountable from the age of 12.

But the children, in gratitude, quickly reminded the adults that it is possible to misbehave at an earlier age. The authorities did not puzzle over this problem for long and plan to return everything to the way it was as soon as possible.

The UN was surprised by this development, then indignant, and now, according to local authorities, they are trying in every way to interfere in the internal affairs of the country and are seeking to raise the age of criminal responsibility from 10 to 14 years in accordance with the recommendations of other developed countries.

Ya-mothers, doctors and other interested citizens are not far behind the UN. But the authorities stubbornly do not want to change their decision. They brush off pesky activists and advise spending more time raising their children so they don't get into trouble with the law at the age of 10.

The average number of young people in custody, and whether they are Aboriginal or not.

According to the BBC, Australia's Northern Territory already locks up children at a rate 11 times higher than any other jurisdiction in the country. Critics say this new law will not reduce crime, and will instead disproportionately affect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children. Many places in Australia have said they are in the grip of a youth crime crisis, with a spate of violent incidents this year leading to a youth curfew in the Northern Territory city of Alice Springs.

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