Unidentified object washed up on Australian beach (3 photos)

20 July 2023

July 16 to the beach at Green Head, about 250 km from Perth, threw out a rather strange thing - a large metal cylinder. The authorities are trying to figure out what it is.

The dimensions of the cylinder are about 2.5 meters high and 2.5 meters in diameter. It is made of gold colored metal. local residents and tourists are asked to stay away from the place where he was found. There posted guards. Military experts were also called in to evaluate the find.

The Australian Space Agency said that this the cylinder may be part of a foreign-made rocket, however There is no exact confirmation of this version yet:

We're investigating this facility, located on the beach near Jurien Bay in Western Australia. The object may be part of a foreign space launch vehicle, and we contacted our international partners, who can provide additional information.

There are also rumors that this cylinder could be a part commercial aircraft (for example, the missing Malaysian flight MH370). But the Western Australian police dismiss this version as insolvent.

And, of course, not without talking about what the find is associated with a UFO. Well, that's the way it is! Until it is carried out official examination and it will not become clear what kind of thing was thrown onto shore, people will come up with the wildest versions.

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