City Council Condemned for Installing $45,000 Dog Monuments (3 photos)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
Today, 18:58

Residents are wondering whether the money could be better spent on something more important and necessary, given the state of affairs in the country.

Walsall City Council in the UK has spent $45,000 of taxpayers' money on two corgi statues to be displayed in the local arboretum to mark the 150th anniversary of its founding. The idea has not gone down well with many residents, who accuse officials of wastefulness.

The corgi statues are said to have been erected to honour Queen Elizabeth II, who favoured this breed of dog. However, residents are wondering whether the money could be better spent on something more important and necessary, given the state of affairs in the country. In particular, according to them, this year's budget is planned to be cut by 20 million pounds sterling, and the council tax will be increased by 4.99%.

"I like the statues, but it does raise questions, doesn't it? I don't quite see what they are for. The money could be spent on something else. We have problems with potholes, broken high streets, waste disposal, and also a restless crime situation," says 55-year-old Tracy Wilkins.

Jonathan Edia of the TaxPayers' Alliance also criticised the local authority's decision.

"Taxpayers are fed up with pointless public art. The intentions are generally good, but it does not bring relief to the people of Walsall who see everything being cut back," he said.

Facebook users generally shared the same sentiment.

"Walsall Borough Council needs to get their priorities straight. I could probably understand a statue of the late Queen, but her dogs? To spend money on something like that when the budget is being cut is just ridiculous.";

"Don't they have anything better to spend taxpayers' money on?";

"They could spend that money on animal shelters - they're overcrowded and can't cope."

However, there are those who support the idea of ​​installing two dog sculptures. They believe it will attract visitors to the picturesque arboretum.

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