A burglar broke into a stranger's house, cleaned it up and cooked food (2 photos)

Yesterday, 23:15

The attacker also left a note for the victim saying: "Don't worry and be happy."

In the UK, 36-year-old Damian Wojnilowicz was sentenced to 22 months in prison for an unusual robbery. He broke into a woman's house and cleaned it up.

According to the British woman, on July 16 she returned to her home in Monmouthshire from work and noticed some changes. A neighbor told the woman that he saw someone hanging out her washing. The victim also discovered that the stranger had unpacked her shopping, cooked food from the food left in the refrigerator, filled the bird feeders, thrown out the trash, rearranged the flower pots and drank a bottle of wine. The attacker also left his victim a note saying: "Don't worry and be happy."

However, the woman was unable to continue living peacefully. "For two weeks after the crime and before the criminal was caught, I lived with increased anxiety, which I had never experienced before. I wondered if the burglar knew me, if this would escalate into stalking, if he knew that I lived alone," the victim said in a statement. The woman also added that she had been unable to stay at home for some time and had gone to live with a friend.

On July 29, Voynilovich broke into the home of another victim: the owner learned of this after receiving an alarm signal from CCTV cameras. This time, the intruder used the shower in the summer house to wash clothes, took a jacuzzi, ate and drank.

The owner of the house asked his son-in-law to inspect the building. He saw the burglar with a glass in his hand - apparently, he was drunk. Voynilovich, at the request of the owners of the house, eventually left the house, but the intruder was later arrested by the police: his DNA was found on fingerprints from the house he broke into in mid-July.

In court, Voynilovich's lawyer said that her client was homeless at the time of the crimes and was experiencing a number of difficulties. According to the lawyer, he also apologized to his victims. The man pleaded guilty to two counts of burglary and had four previous convictions.

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