Cooked food and washed the dishes: "clean robber" left a note for the owners of the house (3 photos)

Yesterday, 17:00

At first, the homeowner thought it was a joke, but quickly realized it wasn't: the kitchen window was broken, and the glass was scattered all over the sink and floor.

A "clean burglar" broke into someone else's house, cooked and ate spaghetti, and then washed up after himself. Before running away, the man left the homeowners a strange note explaining his actions.

Eddie Andujo, a resident of the cottage community of Clearwood near Yelm, Washington, recently returned home from a trip to find a napkin with a message on his kitchen table.

It read: "I really need food, so I broke into your house. Please excuse me while I ate some food, washed my clothes, and took a shower. P.S. Your popcorn machine seems to be broken."

At first, the homeowner thought it was a joke, but quickly found out that it was not: the window in the kitchen was broken, and the glass was scattered all over the sink and the floor.

"The thug was cooking spaghetti, but the funny thing is he washed the dishes and even folded the blankets. And nothing was missing from the house," Andujo said.

Surveillance cameras captured an unidentified man wearing a blue long-sleeved shirt, gray pants, and black shoes. Thurston County Sheriff's deputies said they identified the suspect and even brought in dogs to help search, but the "burglar" remains at large.

Another homeowner, Bethany Stirber, also reported a similar crime: an unknown person found the keys to her garage and gate, and also tried to break into her car.

"We scared him away, but he still came back. Every time we call the police, it takes too much time - he runs away before the police arrive," the woman says.

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