While some eco-activists were tried for attacking a Van Gogh painting, three others repeated their "feat" (4 photos + 1 video)

Today, 12:31

Two years ago, the zoomer girlfriends who had joined the Just Stop Oil eco-movement decided that they couldn't live like this any longer, armed themselves with a can of Heinz tomato soup and went to commit an act of vandalism.

You can read more about their ridiculous performance here. By the way, there is also a video of their outrage. But in a nutshell, the girls not only poured water on Van Gogh's famous painting "Sunflowers", but also glued themselves to the wall with superglue.


Of course, they were later torn off. From the wall, I mean, and not whatever you imagined. To the logical question of why you decided to ruin the painting, the little ladies pompously declared that they were doing so to combat high prices due to the crisis, which, in turn, was due to oil and gas. In short, it's complicated.

But the story didn't end there. 20-year-old Anna Holland and 21-year-old Phoebe Plummer were charged with vandalism. The trial lasted two years (the girls were free during this time) and finally, at Southwark Crown Court in London, Judge Christopher Hehir sentenced Phoebe Plummer to two years and three months in prison and Anna Holland to 20 months, saying that they “wouldn’t have cared” whether the painting had been damaged.

A poster of Phoebe Plummer as protesters gathered outside Southwark Crown Court

"Soup could have leaked through the glass," he added, saying: "You had no right to do what you did to Sunflowers." A National Gallery spokesman said at the time that the frame had sustained minor damage but the painting itself was undamaged. The damage to the frame was estimated at around £10,000.

Holland heroically declared in court that no prison terms will stop them in their fight against prices/oil/ painting.

"We do not expect justice from a broken system that has been corrupted by its dependence on fossil fuels. Prison terms, no matter how long, will not stop us."

More than 100 artists unexpectedly stood up in defense of the activists, wrote an open letter.

It's important to note that Plummer and Holland knew the painting was protected from the soup by a solid sheet of glass when they threw their red-orange message, splattering Pollock-style paint over mustard-yellow, drooping flowers. Their iconoclasm was temporary, a spectacle to behold, to protest.

As it turns out, contemporary artists have also secretly decided to fight their more famous predecessors.

But this is not the end, all is stable in the nose-diving madhouse. An hour after Phoebe Plummer and Anna Holland were jailed, three more nutcases threw soup at Van Gogh's unfortunate painting again.

The Van Gogh painting now has more tomatoes than sunflowers.

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